Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Addison Reese... Oh How Time Flies

Addison's Birthday February 23, 2007

Photo by Heather Benjamin of Benjamin Photography

Addison's First Birthday February 23, 2008

Photo by Heather Benjamin of Benjamin Photography
Addison's Second Birthday February 23, 2009

Addison's Third Birthday February 23, 2010

This past Friday, I took Addie for her three year old well-child exam.  I am so grateful for this healthy three year old girl.  I just hope our next little addition is as healthy as Addie Reese.  It is music to this mamma's ears to hear the Doctor say, "Haven't seen you since last year's well child exam!"  Addie did really well with the doctor poking and looking with his "flashlight". The nurse did not fair as well I do have to say.  Getting Addie to stand on the scale was like getting a cat into a bath tub and measuring for her height was not much better.  After Addie with her new found three year old strength knocked down her pregnant, balanced impaired mother, who was also sweating and red-in-the-face, I looked at the nurse with pity and said, "Can we just lay her down on the infant chart."  Upon laying her down on the chart we found that she is just a little longer than the 3 feet mark... this is when I looked at the nurse and said, "Guesstimate!!"  
After this little hurdle in the checkup I was a proud momma when Addie answered the questions from the doctor and passed her eye exam. 

So how does Addie Reese grow at 3?
Height: 37 inches
Weight: 29 pounds

So what is Addie Reese up to at 3?
  • She is fully potty trained day and night.
  • She loves playing outside with bubbles, her "clayground", kicking the soccer ball and driving the cozy coupe.
  • Her favorite TV shows are: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Dora the Explorer, Super Why, and Little Einsteins.  
  • Her favorite books are: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?, Zoo Train, and any other book with animals.
  • Loves to draw and paint.  She can draw a circle and a face.
  • Her best friend is Aubree.
  • Sleeps about 10 hours a night and is hit or miss with an afternoon nap.  
  • Loves to play games with anyone who will sit with her.
  • Hates to brush her teeth with the "big girl" toothpaste... sorry Papa and Uncle Jas.
  •  Continues to be very picky and stubborn when it comes to trying new foods.  I still do not know where we went wrong here.  
  • Can sing her heart out.  Her favorite songs to sing: The Alphabet Song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Old McDonald, and anything she hears on TV.
  • Is about to be a great big sis!!!

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