Friday, March 5, 2010

Meatloaf, Meatloaf, I Love Meatloaf????

No... not this Meatloaf.

But this meatloaf.

Kyle and I have decided that Addie is a big girl and it is time to stop "aiding and abetting" her picky eating.  Since Addie was a baby, she has put up a battle when it comes to food and textures.  She is the only child I know that would gag on Cheerios and will not put mac 'n cheese in her mouth to save her life.  It is something that we have laughed at for two years but really have not owned up to our part in the problem.  So last night we decided Addie would get what was prepared for the family.  We were ready for the mutiny from Addie when we placed her plate down with meatloaf, peas, asparagus, and yogurt (the yogurt was our way of making sure she didn't throw the plate back at us).  Her face was priceless but she did not put up that much of a fight in the matter.  She ate her yogurt first and then we told her "how great the dinner sausage was" and to our surprise she ate the small portion that was on her plate.  All I can say is thank God for ketchup.  Now I will say Addie probably would not use the word love for her dinner last night and the veggies were still not touched but it was a start and this momma was very happy.  Maybe she will eat a veggie before her fourth birthday... we will have to wait and see.

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