Sunday, January 31, 2010

The "Real" Snowy Day

The real snow hit Dickson for the first time in about seven years and we are having a blast!  It snowed about five inches here, and the roads are great for sledding.  We got out today for about three hours and that is a record for our 'Tennessee snow bunny' daughter.  She doesn't care for the cold and wet but today was a breakthrough day in our hopes to make her like a snowy day. A sucker and blanket can go a long way in Addie Reese's world.  We were amazed when the words, "Daddy do it again!" came from her mouth.  After yesterday's half mile journey of crying and begging, "I want to go home. Me cold", we thought she would not go back out until March.  Sad to say I am unable to go "super fast", to use Addie's term, due to my preggers state.  I am still having fun watching and going down some small hills.  Here are some of our memories from the past three snowed in days... 

Our home

Addie going out into the snow on Saturday morning.  She is not a fan of "deep" snow.  It gets her shoes wet and dirty she says. 
Kyle is ready for some sledding.  

Probably the funniest thing is to watch Allie fall into the snow.  
She is a hot weather dog all the way.  

Kyle is loving it!
 Addie is wondering, "What's the big deal?"

Our snow princess with her sucker and blanket.
It is better than hearing her cry and saying 
"I want to go back inside."

Aubree the snow monkey.

Kyle and the girls, Rylee and Addie,  getting ready for the big hill.

Brody working hard.

Rylee always gets put to work.

Miss Ella Fitz ready to go.

Rylee's natural snack.

Keli and Ryan the fearless duo.

The boys plotting their route.

Beckham looking for a snowball... watch out this kid has an arm.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Girls Day Out

Today's 60 degree weather in January spurred an unexpected trip to the zoo.  I thought it would be great to spend time with my little girl, just the two of us, before the new bundle of joy comes in March. As much as I cannot wait to meet the new little member of our family, it is weird to think that these days will not come around as easy in the future.  I  really did enjoy walking around the paths with my little girl and thinking back on how much she has grown.  I really do not notice Addie's growth until we revisit an activity.  It has been a few months since our last visit to the zoo and I can definitely tell a difference in Addie.  Today was a day of first at the zoo...
The first time we did not take a stroller and Addie walked the whole zoo by herself.

The first time the leopards were out where we could see them and boy did they scare Addie.

A little to close for Addie... she is bailing ship.

The first time Addie rode the carousel or as she likes to call it... the merry-go-round.
It took some time for her to choose her animal but she finally decided on the giraffe.

The first time she went down the "big" slide by herself without any help.  Very nice for the preggers mommy who could not go down the slide very easily this time around.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where are we going? To the waterfall!!!

Our family took a little weekend trip to the mountains as part of my mom and dad's Christmas present.  Addie really enjoys staying in the 'cavin.'  Addie loves to look at all the streams and creeks when we walk around the park, so today we decided to hike Laurel Falls.  The two and half mile round trip hike was very nice even though I am 31 weeks preggers, none of us were really prepared with hiking/walking apparel, and the 28 pound almost three year old that likes to be toted up the trail. 

Jason and Kelli going up the trail.

Addie's hero... Daddy!

Pappa... Addie's other hero carrying her up the trail.

Addie resting from "all of the hiking".

A family that hikes together... stays together.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dog Days of Winter?

Everyone always talks about the Dog Days of Summer when it is so hot you cannot stand to walk outside.  So what do you call the days in Winter where it is too cold to do anything and you have a two year old bored out of their mind?  It is so easy to make the day go by when there is a playground to play on, a pool to swim in, flowers to water, and parks to visit.  I am trying my best to keep the ideas and projects going but you can only do so much coloring, painting, and crafts.  Old Man Winter either bring on the snow or get out of the way for Spring!

Our Snowgirls we made before the "Blizzard" of 2010.

Movie Day after preschool with Aubree.  
Today was the classic Beauty and the Beast.
They were all comfy and cozy in the sleeping bag for about five minutes.

Making pine cone bird feeders.  
Addie is still sad because the birds will not come even when she calls "Here birdie, birdie, birdie!" from our front porch. 
 The neighbor's cats need to go.

Playing with the bird seed I think was the highlight of this project. Whew!

Waiting for the birds to come.  She will not let me move them up higher so...
we are going to be waiting for a long time I think.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter Wonderland?

Well the first "Snow Day" has hit the South and needless to say all of the milk and bread are off the shelves.  It is amazing that even though I am home on "Preggers Sabbatical", I am still happy to see Snowbird fly and school closings scroll across the screen.  Last night, I persuaded Addie to bed by saying, "In the morning there will be snow, so you better go to sleep, so we can play in the morning."  Looking back, I was putting A LOT of faith in the local weather people.  Lucky for me, Addie slept long enough that by the time she woke the snow was falling and she was ready!!  

After Addie came down from her slumber and looked outside, she went back upstairs in search of a snowsuit and snow boots.  This is what a child in the South comes back with.
With mommy's help, Addie went back upstairs and pulled out anything that had a snowflake on it and was determined to wear it.  I think she had three pairs of socks, four shirts, three pairs of pants, four hats, two coats and one vest.  She even found her snow boots from last year but to her dismay they did not fit.  I was able to talk her out of some of the garb but this is what she looked like while waiting for me to get ready...

Finally making it outside into the "Winter Wonderland"

Stopping to pick up Beckham for a play date.  The funny picture would have been me pulling the wagon, with two two-year-olds,while being seven months pregnant.

Addie kicking the snow.

Addie in the "sleigh" as she likes to call it that Poppa got her last Christmas.

Not exactly a winter wonderland but it was good enough for a two year old and her mommy.  Maybe next time it snows we can use the skis Addie keeps talking about!?!

What!?! It is 2010?

We rang in the New Year with my brother and sister-in-law without kid since Addie payed Nene and Poppy a visit.  Having a nice dinner and hanging out at the house watching movies on New Year's Eve just makes me think of the changes this past decade has brought myself and my family.

  • Met my hubby, Kyle, at UT.
  • Changed my major from business to education... wise move looking back.
  • My love moved six hours away from me to Memphis to attend Law School.
  • Graduated twice.
  • Married this fun loving guy.
  • Moved to Memphis and landed my first job while on my honeymoon.
  • "Helped" my husband graduate and pass the Bar Exam.
  • Moved back to my hometown, got a job, and Kyle got a job with a local law firm.
  • Settled into life and bought a house in Downtown Dickson.
  • Got pregnant and had a healthy baby girl in 2007.
  • Found out what life as a working parent was all about.... not as bad as I thought.
  • And to round out the decade and start off the new one a baby boy is on the way.  What a great ten years it has been.  I am truly blessed beyond measure.
Thanks for the memories 2000's and bring on the 10's!!!!

A Very Merry Christmas!!!

After a month of festivities the big day finally arrived and we were very excited.  Christmas Eve was fun filled with holly jolly stops throughout Lexington visiting family.  We ate, opened presents, laughed, and even managed to play a round of BINGO with Addie.  We were back in Dickson by Midnight Christmas Eve to enjoy our family time Christmas morning before my family came over Christmas afternoon for brunch, merriment, and a little Christmas Story watching.  Here are the highlights of Addie's last Christmas before her world is rocked with a little brother!

Santa payed us a visit!

Addie playing with her princess castle that Santa brought.  Talk about some small parts those elves made....whew

Addie eating our red velvet cupcakes.... our family Christmas tradition.  Forget muffins for breakfast bring on the cream cheese icing.  

Addie taking care of her baby brother-sister as she likes to call her baby girl doll.
Can we say she is confused about this big sister thing?

Addie finally remembering she had a stocking at 10:30 Christmas night.  
What a day!