Friday, March 26, 2010

William Andrew Is Here!!!!!!

Our little boy finally made his appearance this week after 39 weeks and 6 days of waiting!  Tuesday morning I woke up not feeling especially happy and knew that March 23, 2010 was going to be the day.  After getting ready, waking up Kyle, tidying up the house, and getting Addison to LiLi and Poppa's house, Kyle and I were off to Baptist Hospital.  

Gotta love drugs!!!!  This is one happy momma.
Kyle and I passing the time until I can push
Kyle's thinks he went to medical school and is going to get to catch this baby.

After five hours of labor and about six pushes, Drew makes his mark on the world @ 1:57 pm.

The proud grandparents were not far behind...

Everyone is watching Drew get cleaned up. 

Future golfing buddies.

My Little Man

Addie wanted to make sure he had all his toes.

Big Sister checking him over.

What a day...boy am I ever tired.

I Am Wonderfully Made!
Psalm 139:14

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