Monday, March 29, 2010

Signs Of Spring...

It is that time of year that this little girl absolutely loves.... SPRING!!!!
She has been waiting for about a month for the "slaowers" (aka flowers) to bloom in front of our house.   Even though we have told her a million times that the flowers are called daffodils, she insists they are called sunflowers.  What can I say.... this is one child I could not teach. 

Daddy helping our little Gardener.  She brought them inside for me and then quickly took them back when I placed them in the vase.  That's Addie love for you.

We also had are first "cookout" of the warm weather season when the Sanders' bunch came to visit Baby Drew.  Poppy bought big sister and aspiring soccer player a practice goal.  Thanks to Uncle Clint and Aunt Kristen for putting it together and playing with Addie.

What can I say Spring is in the air!!!

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