Friday, June 17, 2011

Good Old Fashioned Summer Fun and Swim Lessons....

Hello folks... we have a new past time to add to our backyard adventures...
Slip and Slide!!!!

Addie and Drew fell in love with the slip 'n slide over at Evan and Kate's house last weekend and how most things go with children had to have their own.
We have two downsides to our slip 'n slide.
1) Yard locale~ Addie has discovered that slip and slidin'
helps if you have a hill or slope to place your slide.
2) Do not wait to purchase your slip 'n slide this far into summer because the stock is way down and you cannot get a "three lane" slide like Evan and Kate's.

Needless to say we have made due and had some fun. Addie gets a running start... about 20 yards away... runs as fast as she can all to stop at the slide and belly flop down. Her favorite way to get started is for Kyle to fling her down the slide by her ankles.
We tried to send Drew down with Addie a couple of times but the water is just to cold for him.

He likes to do this...

Speed Racer Addie Reese...

After a few runs down the Slip 'n Slide... and when Kyle's arms were tired... we relaxed with the sprinkler. This is the only way you can beat the 95 degree heat that settled in here the past week.

Daddy even got in on the fun...

Sometimes a boy has to learn what will happen if you sit in front of a sprinkler....
only to bad for me I didn't have my good camera to capture the moment my point and shoot is just too slow.

Addie has had this pool since she was 15 months old and it just makes me smile to see it grow with her...

My smart girl trying to get close to the water without taking it in the eye...

A random picture from my budding photographer Addie Reese...

This week we also had fun at swimming lessons with Ms. Jenny. Let me just say Ms. Jenny is GREAT with the kids. Addie loved the lessons.
Don't get me wrong, Addie was her typical... don't want to do this... I don't want to go... I don't want to wear goggles... crying for an hour while getting ready... holding on tight to me was white knuckles when we get there... but we got past that "new activity anxiety" that Addie always gets. We watched for a few minutes. I sat next to the water with her and next thing I knew she was in the water. Addie learned a lot this week and is asking when she can go back to swim lessons.

The girls warming up with their breast stroke.

Practicing kicking with legs behind you... this is very hard for Addie.
She likes to kick down.

When telling Kyle about swim lessons Addie stated, " I am taking lessons with all the girls in town I know." We did not plan on this but Addie's lessons just happened to be with girls from church and some other friends of hers... the icing on the cake for this momma.

Kick board time...

Addie getting her goggles ready...

Ready to kick and swim...

Got all the way to the steps... and when she is waiting her turn Addie does laps on the steps and goes under about 678 times because "I can hold my breaf now."

Waiting to jump... This is something Addie needs help with... She jumps right. next. to. the. wall. every. time. and it scares me SO much.

She is getting closer to her goal... to swim like Ariel and Rylee.
Later folks... Drew is awake from his nap.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summertime fun...

LifWell I have found some time tonight, between the barbie playing... dinner making... playing outside... planting flowers... and soaking up some sun... and checking on the thuds coming from Drew's room (apparently his new bedtime ritual is to throw EVERYTHING out of his crib) to post a few of the summer happenings that have been going on with the Sanders' Fab 4.

We were very busy at VBS this past week. Addie went to classes, Drew went to nursery, and I served about 325 snacks each day... that's a lot of lemonade and treats!!!
This year's theme was the BIG APPLE. Addie is soaking in everything New York. From the skyscrapers to Miss Lady Liberty to taxi cabs to apples she had a blast with her friends and teachers. I was able to sneak around the church and take a peek at her enjoying the fun activities. She said the puppets were her favorite along with piggy back rides from Miss Hannah. She would make me chuckle retelling the stories about the puppets because she prefaced each story with, "Remember when I didn't like the puppets much? Now I am not scared." She learned about Jesus being a friend to the Samaritan woman and I am just amazed at how much information she connects with and can tell back to you.

Just tonight at dinner, Addie said her first "big" people prayer with no prompts or suggestions. Usually she just recites "God Our Father" which is her preschool meal time prayer. But tonight when it was her turn to say the prayer, with hands up and eyes closed, she said the most beautiful, from the heart, speaking to God prayer. She thanked him for her playtime, swim lessons, family, friends and the food. When it was over I told her that my heart was so happy but God's heart was really super-duper happy to hear from Addie Reese. She then decided to say the prayer three more times to make God even more happy:)

Addie with her Lady Liberty

Addie and Aubree
BFF's @ four years of age

Addie and Miss Hannah

Addie's VBS crafts

A couple of Fridays ago, Drew and I met up with LiLi, Aunt Kelli, and Hayden for some shopping and lunch in Franklin. LiLi could not resist the temptation of buying some super cute outfits for Drew, Addie, and Hayden for our upcoming beach trip. As we were shopping at The Factory, Drew made his presence known by greeting and walking around as fast as his little legs and feet could carry him. This is where I guess my judgment of letting him walk around in the stores went array because Drew's feet and the carpet got the best of him and he went head first into a leg of a clothing rack.
Here is the photo proof of what my boy will endure for his mommy to shopping...

Drew and LiLi in the heat...

And what would be summertime fun without friends and a pool?

Evan and Addie dinning on Cheetos by the pool...

Drew trying to like his float
but would rather be in my arms
and trying his best to dive into the water.

Evan's 945th jump into the pool...

Addie helping Evan build courage to swim with a ring float.
This was a sweet little memory... Evan would ask Addie for help getting back to the steps and she would take his hand in hers.

I was trying to get a pic of them jumping together but the proof is in the picture...

Trying to beat the summertime heat with Atomic Pops.

Have a great night!!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

We are going to TAPOUT....

It sends me into a panic every time they wrestle or play.
I just see heads and teeth meeting the hard wood.

But as you can tell they really do like it.

But at the rate Drew is growing,
I don't think Addie will be able to pull these moves much longer.