Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Addie Reese!!!

It is official... we have exited the 2's and have entered the 3's! 

After what seemed like a week of celebrating our sweet and spunky little girl's birthday we had her Tinkerbell party on Sunday with family and Addie's little friends.  She was so excited about her friends coming and giving them their "presents" (aka party favors).  As always, LiLi out did herself with the sweet confectionaries.  This year we decided to have just cupcakes and I think they where just to cute with Tinkerbell's shoes and just a little bit of pixie dust!     

The birthday diva had a small list of wants for her Tinkerbell party:  cupcakes, cookies, hats, streamers, and balloons.  I have to say that the balloons were the highlight of the day.  She carried them around, counted them, decided which colors she would give her friends, and most importantly the balloons she would keep.
After all of the friends arrived and enjoyed the mid 60 degree weather outside it was cupcake time!  Addie huffed and puffed with all of her might.

The three A's:
Aubree, Alli, and Addie

Look everyone... I am 3!

The way to this little girl's heart... presents!
Addie is set with art supplies, games, and puzzles.

The crazy little ones!  
Always fun getting children to sit on the stairs for a pic!

After the sugar shoved into their little mouths, we headed outside to burn it off.

Addie with NeNe and Poppy

Aunt Kelli and Uncle Jas

LiLi and Papa

Our sweet birthday girl

I cannot believe three years have past since God gave us this little person to mold and to love.  Each day she teaches us a little more about love, faith, and patience.  
Oh how I love this little girl!

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