Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What have we been up to?

This month we entered the world of extracurricular activities... gymnastics. Although I do not believe we have the next olympic champion among us, Addie is growing in her ability to follow directions. She tells me that her favorite station is the "jump-o-line" aka trampoline. My favorite part is her "flipping" outfit.

Addie walking across the balance beam.

To beat the summer heat, it has been the hottest June in 57 years, we have been doing some early morning art projects and play dates. Addie has been wanting to paint a bird house for months and we finally got to it. Now she is waiting for the birds to move in with furniture. This is her daily ritual to check inside the house.

Baby boy is beginning to pick up his toys.

We have also been on the Relay for Life circuit going to Dickson's and Lexington's this month. Addie loves supporting Relay of Life because it always involves her three favorite things...

inflatable slides,


and bouncy houses.

We have also baked some sweets and played some dress up!

A lick of the spoon is one of life's greatest pleasures!

This is what happens when you have an older sister...

Minnie Mouse + Pirate =


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I am lucky to have a great team of fathers around to love and nurture my little ones and add that spark to their lives. These men guide and direct my little ones and have made them the little people they are long before they were born.

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.
~Clarence Budington Kelland

Raising a girl takes two parents:
A mom to show her how to be a woman.
A dad to show her how to be independent.
A dad's job is to make his daughter courageous. Fearless. To make her feel beautiful.
To give her a sense of adventure. To make her feel secure and confident.
Because he's her first love. Her first hero. The first man in her life.
~ Harry Harrison

Father's Day Surprises.
Addie is the perfect present opener when you have your hands full.

Thanks to Poppy for teaching my husband how to be a great dad.
"By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong." -- Charles Wadsworth

And to my Dad for being a great teacher, provider, and friend.
A father is someone that
holds your hand at the fair
makes sure you do what your mother says
holds back your hair when you are sick
brushes that hair when it is tangled because mother is too busy
lets you eat ice cream for breakfast
but only when mother is away
he walks you down the aisle
and tells you everything is gonna be okay.

We say yes to VBS!!!

Here are some of Addie's goodies from VBS.  Addie loved going to VBS this year with all of the big kids.  The past two years she has been in the baby room because I was helping.  This year she was all about going to VBS thanks to a very special friend, Ms. Tracy.  Addie LOVED Ms. Tracy and brought her presents every day.  Ms. Tracy also taught Addie about horses and this is what Addie has been doing around our house this week...

Giddy Up Cowgirl!!

Three Months Old...

Our little man turns three months old today. He is still growing at what seems like a rapid pace to this momma and I wish I could some how slow him down a bit. Drew is coming in to his little personality... laid back and pretty easy going. As long as the boy has a full tummy, dry diaper and a light to look at all is good. He still loves his paci and is starting to grow fond of a little stuffed giraffe. Maybe we will have Mr. Giraffe to lug around the world soon to give company to Addie's Mr. Bear. He is sleeping about six hours at night... 9pm to 3am. At 3am, he gets a little lonely and cries out for some snuggles. This translates into mommy or daddy getting him out of the crib and going to the sofa till 5am. I do tend to complain about this little ritual because I know it will take some undoing but after reading an article on The Simple Mom blog it reminded me that this time will pass... Savor the moment and to remember that the days are long but the years are short. They won’t always need you as much as they do now, and then you’ll miss their little hands and constant closeness.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Good morning sunshine...

Addie giving Drew a good morning kiss as they watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
What a moment
to catch!

Summertime fun...

What is the only way to beat the summer heat?
Water day in the backyard!!!!
This has become a tradition for our family during the summertime. I love looking back at the pictures and see how Addie has grown compared to her toys.

This picture is from summer 2009.

This picture is from summer 2010.

The slide on her little pool does not have quite the same effect anymore.

My pretty lilies.

Our sweet dog Allie came out for some fun.
She really does take a lot from these little babes of mine.

Addie serving up some "ice cream" from her play house.

Relaxing on the beach towel eating some PBJ.

Addie Reese always on the go.

** Drew was beating the summer heat the best way... inside sleeping in his swing!

Our first ballgame of the summer...

Our family went to cheer on the Nashville Sounds with the Reynolds crew last weekend. This picture sums up what it is like to take children to a ballgame... lots of trips to get treats and not a lot of ball game watching. All in all it was a great night to take in a ball game. The weather was great... this was before the southern humidity and heat came for the summer.

Rylee eating the cotton candy Addie just had to have but then refused to eat.
Again you gotta love my little girl.

Father and son taking in their first ball game together.

The seventh inning stretch picture.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Addie "Dives"

Our little fishy...

Look what happens when Mommy leaves to give Drew a bottle and
Addie is left with Daddy in the pool...

No, Addie does not fall in but learns how to jump in the pool from the diving board.
She is fearless!

Addie's swimming coach.

What a wonderful life... I hope that is what she is thinking.

Mommy's Night Out...

Just had to give a tremendous shout out to my husband for letting this special girls' night possible for a mommy of a two month old.
Talk about a great night with some special girls to see...


See I can do something other than take pictures of my children.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Swimming with Kelli...

This week Addie, Drew, and I went to visit Aunt Kelli's pool and spend the afternoon with her. Addie was very excited about going to a new pool with Jason's Kelli. Addie had a blast at the huge community pool, even though, when we got to the pool, Addie started stripping out of her swimsuit because she saw a playground. Got to love this girl. After telling her the playground was closed for the day, Addie was off to the water for some fun in the sun. I will have to say it is weird going to the pool and swimming while your two month old is snoozing away in the shade. Even though I could see him while I was in the pool it just feels like abandonment. Aunt Kelli helped out a lot with the juggling of two kids at the pool. We were a great tag team. I think the highlight moment of the day was Addie getting out of the pool and peeing on the concrete. I guess it is better than going in the pool.

Addie loved the water mushroom.
She told me, "Headder's" pool doesn't have one of these.

Pouring water on her head one of Addie favorite things to do.

Addie the only child to wear her floaty in ankle deep water.
Safety first!!!!

Addie did have a moment of strong "willedom" when I announced it was time to leave. When I told her it was time to go, she did her best swan dive into the pool. Addie did this because she knew mama was dry and thought I would not get in... she was wrong!!! I will say there were tears but Addie handled it really well and I was proud we didn't leave the pool kicking and screaming! Instead she pulled herself together, changed her clothes, and walked to the car saying, "That was fun! We come back."
Small steps every day in the quest to contain her stubborn strong willed ways.

Memorial Day...

We had the Primm side of the family over Memorial Day for some food and fun at our house. It is so nice to see everyone over at our home. I truly love entertaining my family and friends. Kyle made some great barbecue pork sliders and grilled asparagus wrapped in bacon. My mom made a killer pasta salad that could be sold for $6.00 a pint and I made a fabulous banana pudding if I say so myself. It is a good thing the food was great because the dining time is always an adventure with Addie running around because she was not hungry... imagine that... and Drew wanting to be held. What can I say but it is always an adventure and never a dull moment. We had a great time swinging on the porch swing and watching Kyle and Jason teach Addie to catch a baseball and hit a golf ball. What Great Memories of Summer.

Drew waiting for LiLi, Papa, Jason, and Kelli to arrive.
Check out my new cushions for the front porch... love them!

Addie is bonding with everyone this week... Uncle Jason has been put on swing duty.

Jason and Dad playing ladder ball.

Addie busy watering my flowers.

My geraniums, the red flowers pictured at the top of the post, are doing great but I cannot say the same for my dahlias pictured below. Maybe Addie is watering them too much.

Aunt Kelli hard at work.

Drew just taking it all in.