Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Buddy Mr. Bear

As I was putting together Addie's birthday slideshow I discovered someone who kept popping up in the pics... Mr. Bear!  Addie's favorite friend is named Mr. Bear.  The sweet thing about Mr. Bear is that Kyle picked out this sweet little fluffy bear the day we found out the little sweet pea in my belly was a girl.  We went to Babies R Us after the ultrasound and were looking at all of the sweet pink baby things and this little bear jumped out at Kyle and then me. This was the first girl/baby item we purchased for our baby.   I do not know really when or how Addie grew the attachment to Mr. Bear or how he got his name exactly.  All I do know is that the bear is never out of sight for long and goes a lot of places with our family.  One time we left Mr. Bear at the gym and I thought I was going to have a heart attack when Addie just lightly stated, "I left bear at the gym." from the backseat of the car when we were on our way home.
 This is when I decided two things: 
1.) Mr. Bear would not be going into stores or other places where he could be dropped.
2.)  I had it bad for this little bear and he was just as important to me as he is to Addie.
It is funny how a little fuzzy, not as pink as it once was, stuffed bear can symbolize so much about the little people that love them so much.  He goes with the flow and is always there for my little girl.  He gives comfort and friendship with out saying a word.  He takes a beating falling from strollers, rolling down stairs, and getting stuck in the slats of a crib. He helps Addie fall asleep by letting her rub his ear between her finger and thumb. 
But he is always there for our little Addie Reese kind of how Addie Reese is there for us. 

Swinging on the "clayground" as Addie calls it.

At the Nashville Sounds baseball game.

Snuggling with Addie at bedtime.

At the beach... with sunscreen on because Addie demanded he "be safe".

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