Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winter Wonderland?

Well the first "Snow Day" has hit the South and needless to say all of the milk and bread are off the shelves.  It is amazing that even though I am home on "Preggers Sabbatical", I am still happy to see Snowbird fly and school closings scroll across the screen.  Last night, I persuaded Addie to bed by saying, "In the morning there will be snow, so you better go to sleep, so we can play in the morning."  Looking back, I was putting A LOT of faith in the local weather people.  Lucky for me, Addie slept long enough that by the time she woke the snow was falling and she was ready!!  

After Addie came down from her slumber and looked outside, she went back upstairs in search of a snowsuit and snow boots.  This is what a child in the South comes back with.
With mommy's help, Addie went back upstairs and pulled out anything that had a snowflake on it and was determined to wear it.  I think she had three pairs of socks, four shirts, three pairs of pants, four hats, two coats and one vest.  She even found her snow boots from last year but to her dismay they did not fit.  I was able to talk her out of some of the garb but this is what she looked like while waiting for me to get ready...

Finally making it outside into the "Winter Wonderland"

Stopping to pick up Beckham for a play date.  The funny picture would have been me pulling the wagon, with two two-year-olds,while being seven months pregnant.

Addie kicking the snow.

Addie in the "sleigh" as she likes to call it that Poppa got her last Christmas.

Not exactly a winter wonderland but it was good enough for a two year old and her mommy.  Maybe next time it snows we can use the skis Addie keeps talking about!?!

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