Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Girls Day Out

Today's 60 degree weather in January spurred an unexpected trip to the zoo.  I thought it would be great to spend time with my little girl, just the two of us, before the new bundle of joy comes in March. As much as I cannot wait to meet the new little member of our family, it is weird to think that these days will not come around as easy in the future.  I  really did enjoy walking around the paths with my little girl and thinking back on how much she has grown.  I really do not notice Addie's growth until we revisit an activity.  It has been a few months since our last visit to the zoo and I can definitely tell a difference in Addie.  Today was a day of first at the zoo...
The first time we did not take a stroller and Addie walked the whole zoo by herself.

The first time the leopards were out where we could see them and boy did they scare Addie.

A little to close for Addie... she is bailing ship.

The first time Addie rode the carousel or as she likes to call it... the merry-go-round.
It took some time for her to choose her animal but she finally decided on the giraffe.

The first time she went down the "big" slide by herself without any help.  Very nice for the preggers mommy who could not go down the slide very easily this time around.

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