Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dog Days of Winter?

Everyone always talks about the Dog Days of Summer when it is so hot you cannot stand to walk outside.  So what do you call the days in Winter where it is too cold to do anything and you have a two year old bored out of their mind?  It is so easy to make the day go by when there is a playground to play on, a pool to swim in, flowers to water, and parks to visit.  I am trying my best to keep the ideas and projects going but you can only do so much coloring, painting, and crafts.  Old Man Winter either bring on the snow or get out of the way for Spring!

Our Snowgirls we made before the "Blizzard" of 2010.

Movie Day after preschool with Aubree.  
Today was the classic Beauty and the Beast.
They were all comfy and cozy in the sleeping bag for about five minutes.

Making pine cone bird feeders.  
Addie is still sad because the birds will not come even when she calls "Here birdie, birdie, birdie!" from our front porch. 
 The neighbor's cats need to go.

Playing with the bird seed I think was the highlight of this project. Whew!

Waiting for the birds to come.  She will not let me move them up higher so...
we are going to be waiting for a long time I think.

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