Monday, July 30, 2012

Not Giving Up... Just on Vacation!

I have about 48 hours left of summer vacation before I turn into a pumpkin for 180 days.  This summer has been a blast and full of fun adventures.  I have checked some things off my to-do list... mainly photo books for 2011... yes I am that behind.  So that is the real reason I have not been on here because I have been to busy on Shutterfly.   So here are the happenings for the month of June.

1.)  We went to our church's VBS.  The theme this year was Amazing God, Awesome Power with aviation and the Wonders of the World tied in as well.  Addie loved of VBS, Drew liked it after he was dropped off so I was told, and I enjoyed being the 1st grade tour guide for the week.
I am always amazed at what Addie learns at VBS about the Bible and the history they weave into the lessons. 

Addie with Shelby and the other Addison. 
 Both of these girls are in Addie's dance class.

Addie and Drew in the "Swiss Alps". 

2.)  We went to Dickson County's Relay For Life to support the American Cancer Society.
Addie and Aubree were twins with their face paint.

And Kyle was asked to be in the Dunk A Lawyer booth. 
I think Addie and Drew dunked him the most and they didn't even throw a ball.

3.)  We celebrated Aunt Shari's 50th birthday and Uncle Jerry let the kids go down to the farm to see the animals.  Addie and Drew loved it!  They were able to pet a chicken, feed the chickens, feed the goats (which I still cannot believe Addie let them lick her hand), and find an egg for a souvenir.  It was better than any petting zoo. 

This little chicken was such a trooper...

Drew loved this little chicken.  He would sit... in the poop (yes my city girl, ewwh that's gross, I have to take my child and bathe him in alcohol came out of me)... and just love on this baby chicken.  

4.)  Addie had swim lessons with Mrs. Jenny.  

I can say with confidence that Addie is a swimmer thanks to Mrs. Jenny.  This year Addie worked on floating, strokes, and jumping in the deep end.  Addie is a little mermaid and can dive off the board and swim to the shallow end.

5.)  We went to the beach.  
I took 748 pictures so that is a blog post in itself that I hope to get done soon.  
We had a great time with the Primm crew that week.

6.)  With 100 degree and higher temperatures for about two weeks straight, we did a lot of playing inside.  Here is superhero Drew with a touch of George Washington sitting on the sofa.

7.)  We went to watch Brave with LiLi and Poppa.  Very cute movie. Addie tries to talk like Merdia, who is Sottish, which is very funny.  Addie cannot wait for it to come out on DVD but says " I like Brave mommy but Ariel is still my favorite."  
She will always let you know where she stands on the matter. 

8.)  Drew lining up his blocks and trying to say his ABC's.  
He is almost there.

9.)  Beating the heat at the pool. 
 I think we went swimming for 21 days straight in the month of June.

Addie and Aubree hanging out in the snake.

Snack break... Evan has "A"  bookends...  
Mrs. Shelley made snow cones for us.

The pool step club... Drew and Kate.

Addie and Evan taking a break from diving for rings.

10.)  Celebrated Aunt Kristen's last birthday before motherhood.

Of course she got a little something for Baby Tripp.

So that's our June in a nutshell... lots of playing, swimming, going, and having fun with family and friends.

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