Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Spring Break List of Fun....

  1. Went to dinner with the best kindergarten team ever... 4 hours of girl talk will never get old.
  2. Had a beauty day getting my hair done and chopped off... 3 inches gone!
  3. Made pancakes and had a picnic in the living room and watched WAY too many cartoons.
  4. Played outside and smelled the flowers.
5. Enjoyed the sunshine and the newness of Spring. Walked at the lake and fed the ducks.

6. Ran a lot after this little guy.

7. Watched a hail storm but got this "Banebow" after it.

8. Went to visit Ninnie and Poppy and went to a tea party.
9. This little girl's wish came true with a face full of hearts.

10. And a plate full of sweets...

11. Rode Poppy's new four wheeler.
12. Played at Ninnie and Poppy's house, loved on them, and ate dinner.
13. Played outside with this little guy when Addie was at Miss Carlene's. Boy does he like his alone time with Mommy.
14. Had the best lunch date everyday.
15. Did some spring cleaning: changed out closets, tagged clothes for consignment sale (which Addie states "Took me weeks to finish."), washed carpets, and waxed floors. Not fun but had to be done.

16. Watched this little boy get smarter and smarter by the day. In this pic, he is taking off his shoes and putting them by the door.

17. Played dress up, princesses, carnival, and polly pockets.

18. Hung out with Hayden, Jason, and Kellie. It is fun to watch these two get together.

19. Listened to Addie's story about wanting to eat at the Chinese Restaurant so she could eat with chop sticks. I found this funny because Addie eats pizza when we eat Chinese but the little girl got her wish. This Chinese place had chicken fingers and fries:) And to my surprise, she used the chop sticks pretty well.

20. Had Popsicle picnics.
21. Began planning our circus party for Drew.
22. Went to the park. Played in the creek and the dirt. Got really dirty and loved every minute of it.
23. Had play date with Stella and Thad. The doll house and bouncy house were a hit.
24. Went to the zoo.
Enjoy the little things,
for one day you may look back
and realize they were the big things.
Robert Brault

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