Wednesday, October 12, 2011

the zoo crew...

My friend Shelley and I were nice and crazy enough to take our sweet children to the Nashville Zoo... altogether in one car. To see a car filled with a 4 year old, 3 year old, 2 year old, 1 year old, and 2 month old is an amazing sight to behold. What is even crazier to think is that this is some people's day to day life... which I totally admire but know it is not for me. Give me 20 kindergartners any day.
Getting five children under the age of 4 into a car is an event in itself. Addie fell in the drive way while chasing Evan around so that required some first aid. Drew had poopy pants when I went to load him so that was a diaper change. Every body was thirsty and hungry so snacks had to be given out. Once we got the 5 car seats and children in the car the ride was great. Addie absolutely loves Ms. Shelley's car with the third row seat and Drew loved sitting next to Luke mainly because he can steal his paci. The day was great and the children loved being together. There is nothing better than seeing friendships being made between these kids.

Our Zoo Crew
Addie, Evan, Kate, and Drew

Kate and Drew having their Goldfish Snack and cruising a long.
Kate was funny about her Goldfish. She would cover them up with her hands so Drew would not get them... Can we say she is the little sister?

Still our favorite animal at the zoo.

Having fun riding the carousel.
How do you know you have too many children? When the carousel attendant says, "You cannot take this many children on the ride." To which my super mom friend replies, "Why not? (while escorting 4 children) "There can only be two children per adult." the attendant says. Luckily the attendant was nice and understanding that we could not tell these sweet faces no so Drew came back with Luke and me to watch and the super nice attendant rode with Addie.

Luke just taking it all in...

Addie and me...

Playground fun...

Drew loving the playground hiding spots.

I have never know a child more in love with trains that Mr. Evan!

Trying to get a pic of us... not very successful.

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