Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Patch...

You know it's fall when the pumpkin patches are open for business. This year we stayed local and went to Keller's Corny Country in Tennessee City. It really is great and they do such a great job running the facilities. Addie was excited about the long tunnel slide and Drew really fell in love with the playground and truck. It was truly a great family day with Kyle and the kids.

I went to the bottom of the tunnel slide to meet Addie and who comes out...
Mr. Bear.

But Addie soon followed.

Having fun on the playground.

Daddy chilling out with Drew in the tire swing...

Drew's favorite thing of the day was playing in the truck.

Fast forward 12 years and this could be the scene beside you...

Addie making corn angels...

Kyle trying to get Drew in the corn pool...

Drew was not much on the corn.
Addie just left him.
Another child had to help him up and out of the way.
Thus I quickly came in to his rescue.

Getting lost in the corn maze...

Addie's loves to pick corn if only she would eat it!

One last slide before it is time to leave...

On the way out Addie picked out a dollar pumpkin.
I told her that we could paint the pumpkin but she did not want to wait. So when we got home she got out her markers and stickers and worked on the pumpkin for two hours straight.

This was the finished product... I think there are about $20 of stickers on our $1 pumpkin.
What do you think????

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