Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Break....

A time for teachers to feel like a stay-at-home mom... to spend time with children, family, and friends... to complete some tasks and chores without a time clock ticking away... just to say it plainly... Fall Break is just GREAT!!!!

I got to garden a little bit by planting my fall mums with my hubby one day.

I got to watch our beautiful Sugar Maple begin to change into the wonderful colors of Fall...

My furry child got a long over due bath...

Did a lot of this stuff with the cutest of helpers...

Played out in the yard with Addie and Drew almost every day...
Addie wanted to make a rooster out of leaves. She saw the idea on Nick Jr.
Who says TV is bad???

Drew helping me out while I clean out the kitchen cabinets. By the way he went and got the stool by himself so that he could choose the spoon he wanted.

Did about ten laps around this beautiful spot...

With this handsome fella...

Found this pretty leaf along the way.
Can I just say again I love my iPhone!!!!

I love fall!!!!!
Here's to a great break and a wonderful nine weeks of fun in kindergarten.

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