Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Introducing my newest toy....

I have a new love in my life.... I got a smart phone! And not just any smart phone but an iPhone! I have been wanting one for some time now because my little point and shoot camera is about dead. (I guess that is what happens when little hands beg to take pictures with it.)

Kyle surprised me with it this past weekend. He took my "dumb" phone, as I like to call it, without telling me. He used going to get a haircut as his cover up. While he was gone... for over two hours... I started looking for my phone. I knew I had left it on the counter in the kitchen. But my little man Drew likes to get things and now his reach has grown to include grabbing things off of the counter. So I was convinced he had gotten it. Addie and I crawled all over the house looking for the phone. We looked in baskets, drawers, and even the trash can. When Kyle pulled up in the drive way, I opened the back door and said, "I don't know where my phone is. I think Drew got it." Then I look in his hand to see a lovely pink iPhone.
I just gotta love this man of mine!

I love the camera on the iPhone and the fact that I will almost always have a camera on me.
So watch out friends and children everywhere...

Here is Life From the iPhone...

Drew brushing his teeth.

Still trying to learn how to use the Hipstamatic app...
Drew, Poppa, and Addie were my subjects.

LiLi and Drew after dinner one night...

Me and my Mommy Dearest...
and I mean that and not like the movie:)

Addie riding in the backseat...
a buckled subject is always easy.

Drew loving some "art" time...
really it is just a holding pin so mommy can unload the dishwasher.

Addie lining up her friends before bed...

Beautiful sky in our back yard while playing with the kids...
Kyle stated, " The sky really doesn't look THAT good. That phone really is great!"

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