Wednesday, October 12, 2011

If you can't go to Disney World...

just bring it to you!

Addie is at the age... Disney has gotten their hooks into her.... She is ready to see the castle... to see the princesses... to ride an airplane... and possibly ride some rides. And I am not going to lie, I am pretty excited when it comes to anything Disney. It has been about six years since I have been down to the parks so say the least I am itching to go back. We toyed around the idea of going this month, but our trip this past summer to Chattanooga shot that down. Traveling and Drew just do not mix right now. So this little taste of Disney is just going to do for right now....

Disney on Ice was in town this past weekend and we had a great time celebrating 100 years of Disney. Addie got to go with two of her BFFs Evan and Kate. When I told Addie we were going to Disney on Ice she said, "I get to go on an airplane!" Which my quick reply was, " We are not going to Disney World... Disney on Ice." She was so excited I really cannot describe it in enough detail to give it justice. Addie kept asking "Who would be there... what would we eat... what would we wear... would there be princesses? "

Addie and Evan with their rink side seats.
Addie stated, " It sure is cold down here."

Big Girl Kate joining the gang. As I took the picture, the "scary man voice" as Addie puts it, came over the speakers saying the show was about to start and crazy picture taking mommies like me needed to take a seat:)

Munching on popcorn waiting for the show to begin.

Kate, Shelley, and Evan waiting for Mickey and Minnie.

The only two mice I love...

The first princess to appear was Belle and she made Addie's face light up...

Like this...

Mickey leading the parade...

Me and my best girl. Addie was so much fun on our date night. She sat in my lap and sang almost every song... It's a Small World and the Incredibles were the only ones she did not know. Looking at her singing at the top of her lungs was just priceless and I will never forget it.

The Princess Parade.
Addie said, "Even Pocahontas came to the show."

Between the acts Shelley and I took the kids to pick out a souvenir.
(Addie learned a new word because when I asked her if she wanted to go look at the souvenirs she asked, "What is a souvenir?") She picked out a Belle necklace and an Ariel "statue". After I bought it she said, "I am going to wear this so I can always remember the night you took me to Disney on Ice." Does she know how lay it on thick to melt my heart or what?

It was a great night with great kids!

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