How can you tell fall is in the air? Not by the crisp mornings, the bright colored leaves, or the mums on the front porch.... but by the busy weekends and all of the happenings that Autumn brings. Last weekend, we celebrated a birthday of a special little boy. The BANEBOW 5K was last weekend and could not have been better. The weather was cool but the atmosphere was warm and cozy for some friends that share their hurt and vision for a future with everyone who listens.
Same pic but with the beautiful balloons...
My walking partners during the 5K...
We did not make it all the way but we had fun. After Addie's little melt down of her "feet hurting" and regretting the decision of not wanting the double stroller, we were better.
Addie, Aubree, and Drew went for the nature 5K
stomping on acorns and picking up hiking sticks.
Some lessons learned on a the hayride...
- Preschool aged children and toddlers like hayrides that last around 30mins... not an hour.
- You should never go anywhere with Drew without 32ozs. of milk because when it runs out in the middle of the woods he goes from this...
Lucky for us an app on a phone saved us from hearing Drew cry the last 15 mins of the hayride.
The boys and their mom...
Addie learning that climbing on the counter is not always a great idea...
At least she was trying to get some water and wasn't trying to get the candy.
This is what Kyle has been sporting around the house...
Every time he did not wear his shirt they lost.
I have not seen Kyle this pumped about baseball in a long time. I could never stay awake to watch the games but Kyle would always wake me up from my sofa slumber with his jumping, fist pumping, way to go Cardinals! Our favorite soundbite from the post season was from Addie. Kyle was wearing his shirt and watching the game when Addie came walking into the living room. She said to Kyle, "Child! Our you watching the Cardinals again?"