Wednesday, September 14, 2011

reading, hiding and coloring.... all just part of being a kid!

Little boy Drew has turned into a little reader lately. Well I guess if you call his love for books that have buttons that make loud noises and sing songs READING.
What is at the top of Drew's best sellers list you ask?
1.) Baby Einstein's Discover the Day (featured below in pics)
2.) A Dollar Store find from Ninny Humpty Dumpty.
3.) Where's Spot from the Imagination Library.

Can you tell this book was also a fave of Addie's?

Love, love, love toddler fingers!

Another fun past time with the Sanders kids is the forever popular Hide 'n Seek.
If you do not remember Addie's first adventures in this game let me remind you.

Drew is a little bit better on the concept of hiding than his older sister who still gives you hints on where she is... gotta love that girl.

We have been doing a little art in the high chair these days as well.
Drew loves taking the caps off of the markers and doing a little scribble here and there.

I think Addie believes she is Drew's teacher.
Heaven help this little brother.

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