Sunday, September 18, 2011

Poppa @ 62...

And what did this handsome daddy of mine ask for?
Not ties... because he hates them.
Not a new DVD... because he gets them when he wants them.
Not even a dinner out at a fancy restaurant.... because he never lets us treat.

Nope. Just a day with all of us yahoos.
So we went to Jason and Kelli's home in Franklin.
Played a little while.
Had a few melt downs
(because what would a Sunday afternoon @ 4:30 be without them)
Had a wonderful dinner.
And CAKE!!!!!

Look closely and you can see Addie stealing some icing.
She is just like her Uncle Jason when it comes to birthday cake.
Happy Birthday To You....

Make a wish...

Happy Birthday Dad!
We hope it was a good one.

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