Sunday, September 25, 2011

The fair and Sally the Fish...

Well the fair was in town and Ninny and Poppy had to share the fun with two special little people that they love and adore.
Now normally I am not a fair going person. In our home town, the fair is usually a muddy mess, hot, stinky, filled with germs,
dirty looking people, and expensive.
In Dickson County, you have to pay to park.
Pay to get in. Pay to play.
Pay to ride. Pay to eat.
But the Henderson County Fair is a little different. They have a nice fair grounds. They have a clean kid-friendly section.
And most importantly it is a free fair (no parking and admission costs)
So we went Friday night. The grandparents were going to meet us there. Kyle and I were going to walk around for a while and then go to the high school football game while they spent time with the kids.

Addie was ready to play and Poppy was ready to pay.
Kyle and I witnessed this man drop about $20 in 20 minutes on this sweet talking, con-artist little girl named Addie Reese Sanders.

Drew just taking it all in... as usual.

Addie with her first prize.
Meet Rainbow Dash the Unicorn.

Addie picking a duck to "win" her 2nd prize... Boots the Monkey.

Addie with her three prizes in less than 30 minutes.

So after winning these wonderful prizes, Kyle and I bid adieu to the kids and the grandparents and headed to the football game. The kids played in the bouncy house and we enjoyed a football game with Kristen and Clint. When we met back up with the fair goers, Addie was so excited and told us she had won two more prizes. She came running with... you guessed it... two goldfish. She had named them Sally 1 and Sally 2. She was smiling ear to ear. Addie had already planned where the fish bowl was going to go in our home. She held on to the bags all the way home. (well until she fell asleep and I had to place them in the floor board of the car. It was 11pm after all)

Team Sally stayed in a flower vase until we could get to the store to buy the fish starter kit. When I went to the store to buy the fish bowl and goodies there was another mommy in the aisle. We looked at each other... spoke about how this was our first pet fish... asked where we got our fish... we both stated "at the fair"... just thought that was funny.

So we are doing great with the Sallies. Addie is feeding them everyday and never seems to forget. She talks to them and helps me clean the water. Everything happy until...
Saturday morning when Sally 1 is at the bottom of the bowl. Not happy times. Addie cried for about 20 minutes when Kyle finally got up the courage to tell her.
Addie was sad for Sally 2 that she would be lonely.
Addie was sad that Ninny and Poppy would be mad at her
because they said, "Take care of you fish."
Addie took that to heart.
So Sally 1 went to "sea" and Addie got a life lesson at 4...
but Sally 2 is keeping her gills up and is still with us.

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