Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's Football Time In Tennessee!!!

Over the Labor Day weekend, Kyle and I made a kid-less trip to Knoxville for the home opener for the VOLS. This trip has become an annual trip for the two of us. Last year we had a blast taking Addie and Drew. This year we decided it would just be too much to take Drew and we could take Addie later in the season.

We had a wonderful weekend doing all of the things we did 12 years ago in Knoxville.
We went to eat at our favorite spots. Went to the mall and to the strip.
Got to visit with my dear friends Casie and Ryon who were down in Pigeon Forge with their family for the weekend. And watched a pretty good game.

Our annual self made picture in the stadium...

The weather was absolutely crazy for this game day. The high at kickoff was suppose to be around 98 degrees. The whole day was just hot! People were lining the UC and every other place trying to find some AC. Since our seats were in the shade, we decided to head on into the stadium to watch the pregame show. This is what we got to see...
the clouds rolling in and the band marching for cover.

A 10% chance of rain in the Knoxville area turned into a 100% chance.

After an hour and a half rain delay and no band pre-game show (only the 2nd time ever the Vols have not run through the T) we were ready to watch football.

Coach sporting some good lookin' pants this season.

Just a little wet and smelly but having a great time as always with my hubby.

On the way back home we stopped to meet this little guy and check up on his mommy and daddy. What a great trip filled with fun, memories, and great friends.

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