Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ordinary Days for November....

With the holidays just around the corner, it is nice to have just ordinary days with a little bit of craziness mixed in.

Drew just cannot understand why we lock the doors to the bathroom????

A little bit of art while I was preparing dinner... if only it was like this every night... but you have to take the good when you can get it.! Addie is getting into the Christmas spirit with her Christmas tree drawings. Drew just loves to scribble and that is nice because Addie was getting tired of him sucking on the markers.

While eating at Cracker Barrel the other night, Addie ate a veggie without even knowing it. Usually when we dine at Cracker Barrel, Addie just eats a biscuit. We always ask if she want something else but we get the same answer... "No, I just take a biscuit please." On this night, when our food came, Addie wanted some chicken. I had fried okra so I just passed it to her and to our surprise she ate it. So here is the question, is it better to fry the veggies or no veggies at all??? This picky eater parenting is for the birds.

We celebrated a very happy birthday for Mr. Evan. Addie was pretty down about a Spiderman birthday but the cake and ice cream made it better.

Saturday Morning Cartoons

Playing with my nephew Hayden when he came to visit with LiLi.
Mommy and daddy were in Miami at a dental conference.

Kyle and I on a "Wicked" date night.

Drew showing off his stacking skills...

And introducing the newest spokesman for the local coffee shop...
No he does not drink coffee. He just likes to pretend and say "ah."

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