Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day of 4 year old Preschool...

Today, Miss Addie Reese, had her first day of preschool for the third time...
where has the time gone?

Walnut Street Preschool
August 2009
2 years old

First United Methodist Preschool
August 2010
3 years old

First United Methodist Preschool
August 2011
4 years old

Today was a special day because Addie was excited, pumped, and ready to go! No tears. No butterflies in the stomach. No I'm going to miss you. Just a four year old ready to learn... what a difference a year makes.
She had picked out her outfit the night before.
She put her "Ready Confetti" that Ms. LaDonna, her teacher, sent home under her pillow.
She named all of the friends she was going to see.
She woke up, had a waffle, and waited for 8:45 to get here.
Kyle got to walk her in and witness the big girl she has become.
No tears... she just put her things up, sat down, and got to work coloring her bus.

Addie and Ms. LaDonna

Addie's favorite thing about her first day?
Being the line leader!

Addie's masterpieces from her first day.

Here's to a great year!!!!

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