Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Pee Pee in the Potty!!!

Well it seemed like it took forever but we finally did it... Drew is out of diapers! 

He started potty training at Granny Franny's last spring but would NOT do it at home.  We tried everything but it just did not take.  After Christmas, when everything settled down and I had a week off from school, we hit it really hard.  Drew was walking around the house in his big boy undies.... We were reading the Potty Book... Addie was even giving her advice on the matter.

This was the conversation Addie and Drew had while I was cleaning the carpet after an accident.
Drew: "I don't want to pee-pee in the potty."
Addie:  "Drew it is easy.  In the bathroom, there is this white thing with a hole in it.  It is called a toliet.  You put the pee in it.... not on the floor... not in your pants."
This was the conversation she heard from her teacher, Mrs. Janessa, when the boys peed in the floor at school.  Life lessons are the most important ones of all, because now Addie knows what to say to her little boy.

So we have been out of diapers for about a month now.  EVERY TIME he uses the potty, you can hear a voice in the bathroom saying, "I am so proud of you!"  Drew likes to cheer himself on.  Drew is sleeping in undies and has not wet the bed yet.  He is good about waking up to use the potty, which is a good thing but we are getting use to the night time wake up calls again.  

So once we get the sippy cup gone, the baby stage will be done for Drew Boy.  We are very happy for him but I just cannot believe that diapers are gone from the house.  Almost 6 years of diapers, Destin, and wipes.  I am still getting use to not looking for the changing pad and basket of goodies to put on our bed in the morning.  Change is just hard for this momma... even good change.

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