We have been enjoying time outside, time with friends, birthdays, and more.
A few weeks ago, my oldest friend Michelle was in town for spring break. She was visiting her parents and came over to play with her girls. We do not get to see each other much but our girls hit it off. We got the bouncy house out for an after dinner play date and then the girls went upstairs for a "birthday" party.
Bailey, Addie, and Brie at the pretend birthday party.
Some sweet friends got together for a WONDERFUL girls night
and celebrated this great girl's birthday.
Drew being a boy and digging in the dirt and rocks.
Our beautiful peonies. We have been making bouquets for about two weeks.
Addie absolutely loves having flowers in her room.
We have some baby birds in our maple tree that we have been watching.
A car nap after soccer...
Addie's newest obsession... Squnkies.
And we thought she could not find a toy smaller than Polly Pockets.
We were wrong:)
Movie night...
God Our Father...
Playing in his very own tent from Miss. Heather and Knox.