What a year 2011 has been! 8 years of marriage to my best friend... 7 years of kindergarten teaching in the books... 7 years of law practicing... two children growing and thriving... birthdays celebrated... friendships nurtured... first dance recital... Traveled to a new city... someone learned how to swim... Someone learned how to walk... survived a family trip to the beach... faith grown... and so many more!
I love this new year... 2012! Sometimes New Year's Day is a slump day for me... I usually put up the Christmas decorations (which I do not like) and watch football (which is ending for 9 months) and dread getting up for work the next day. But this year I just feel happy to start fresh. I really don't know why this year is so exciting to me but I am really looking forward to 2012. I have so many things I want to do better this year. I really do not feel I did these things poorly but I just want to strive to be better every day this year. Better for God... Better for Kyle... Better for Addie and Drew... Better for my family... Better for my children at school... And better for myself. So here are some of my goals for 2012... in no particular order.
1. Cook more... I am shooting for four meals a week that are not sandwich based:)
2. Read more (for myself)... I am not going to put a number out there but I want to do more than last year... which you could have called me a "seasonal" reader. If you count children's books I am in the hundreds:)
3. Be more appreciative of Kyle... he does so much.
4. Be a friend more... I think of myself a good friend but I want to do more for my friends to support them and love them.
5. Visit the gym four times a week.
6. Grow beautiful children with patience and love.
7. Enjoy the little things because they always turn into big things in the end.
8. Write more thank you notes and cards.
9. Show more gratitude to my Father in Heaven.
HaPpY NeW YeAr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!