Friday, December 24, 2010

9 months...

This sweet, fun loving little man in now 9 months old and can check "played in snow" of his list of things to do. This month has been filled with Christmas joys and seasonal fun for Drew. He helped in baking cookies, building a gingerbread house, and redecorated a lot of the house.

This month Drew has decided that baby food is a thing of the past and prefers "real" people food. I just sit in ah of the ease of feeding him. He is holding a bottle by himself now but I am still not ready to give him a cup much to the Dr.'s dismay. I just want him to stay a baby. We do have to be careful with leaving things around on the floor because he puts EVERYTHING in his mouth... paper, toys, fuzz, dirt, Christmas tree needles, I mean EVERYTHING.
Drew has mastered crawling on all fours. He is like a wind-up toy scooting around on the hard wood floors... he is fast!!! Kyle and I just laugh how he chases Addie and Allie around but just can't keep up. I have a feeling this will soon change. He is a cautious child and has not tried to climb up our wood steps but loves Uncle Jason and Aunt Kelli's carpeted steps. On our last visit Addie was yelling from the steps, "worming" (warning) us that Drew was trying to go down the steps. I guess he figures the carpet will give some padding. He is pulling up on furniture and really dislikes being on his back. This makes diaper changes an adventure and comparable to changing a flopping fish most days. Drew is beginning to wave bye-bye and can shake his head side to side when you say "no-no" which is really funny now... check back with me when he is 2.

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