Something that does bring a smile to Drew's face these days...
The button makes me go fast!!!!
Look at me go!!!!
Last Thursday, snow came to Tennessee finally. We have been spoiled the past few years with real snow falls and this year it seems we are back to reality of Winter in the south. Of course, school dismissed early for the "EVENT." I stayed at school for the extra time to get things done, because I was pretty certain we would not be in school on Friday. When I went to pick up Addie at Ms. Carlene's she was excited and planning our snow play for the afternoon. We had to get Drew from Granny Franny's first before we went home. Addie thought about all of the things we could do in the snow on the ride out to Granny Franny's... snow balls, snowmen, snow angels, sledding... you name it... she said it. Well, by the time we got home the snow had stopped. This did not deter Addie's hopes of playing in the snow. She ran upstairs to fetch her snow pants (which are a size 3t and way too small), scarf, gloves, and boots. Reality hit, we received about 0.05 inches of snow but it is still SNOW in the eyes of a child.
Her footprints went crunch, crunch, crunch...
Can we say "excited" about snow...
Have you ever seen a green snow angel?
Taking a look at her work of art! By the end of the 15 minute snow play, we had about 16 snow angels around the house. It was a blast to watch.
Now you may be asking yourself this question, "Where is Drew?" Well Drew threw up on the way home that day and was covered in... Addie's quote of the day "disgusting puke" which really did stink the 20 minutes we had to ride in the car to get home. I mean, what did mothers do years ago before washing machines and all that jazz when their children were sick. It took two washings to get the smell out of Drew's clothes. And don't get me started on cleaning the car seat cover and buckles... not my favorite chore... but then I think I could be a parent in the 1800's. But needless to say, Drew was in the warm shower while Addie had her snowy 15minutes. We stayed home the next day, which was nice since Drew was not feeling well. We played, ate cookies, and took really long naps.
This is a funny picture of Drew taking matters into his own hands. He wanted water in the bowl and I said, "No." I go out of the kitchen and come back to find this...
I guess he gets points for problem solving right!?!
Last Saturday, Kyle stayed home with Drew for the day, and I took Addie out on a date. LiLi and Poppa; Jason, Kelli, and Hayden went with us for lunch and Beauty and the Beast 3D. We went to Chuy's for lunch where Addie had her first Push-Up Pop. Jason and I reminisced about getting these in Elementary school and making wheels and axles out of them. We were sad to see that you cannot pop off the plastic circles anymore to create our childhood memory.
Can you believe this little girl ate about half of the popcorn that was in the bucket?
LiLi, Poppa, and Addie Reese
Aunt Kelli enjoying the movies with Addie. Kelli was the first person to show Addie a princess movie. I guess I need to thank her????
Another thing that has happened this week... Drew has turned into a vampire. Addie was in the playroom laying down on the sofa. Drew came by and took a bite. Addie cried and I think, has come to the realization that she may be bigger, but Drew can chomp like a gator.
Another first that happen this week, Drew has learned how to hide. We could not find him until we looked here.
So another week in the books of ordinary happenings in the life of a parent.
Let's giddy-up for another wonderful week!!!