Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
A ballerina bicyclist and a new favorite spot...
Today as we got home from dance, Addie jumped on her trike and took off down the driveway.
Just thought it was funny.
Just thought it was funny.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
No house....
The sweet little playhouse that Addie received from Poppy and Ninnie for her 2nd birthday...
When Addie found out what the storm had done to her house all she could say was
"No house." in the saddest little voice.
Need not to fear.
Poppy is already on the hunt for a replacement and
I am trying to figure out a way to make a picture frame out of the pieces.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Spring Breakin'...
Another spring break is in the books at the Sanders' house. We played the "let's be local" card all last week. It was refreshing to just be at home and enjoy time with my babies. I know that tons of people would love to have the scheduled vacation days that we in the education business receive, but this was the first spring break in my career that was not two weeks. When they take a week away, you realize just how spoiled you are. By the time I got the fun plans and the have to plans done it was over. Oh well... here is the low down of our spring break week. Although the weather was not very "springy", I was able to find some activities to pass the dreary cold days.
On Monday, we had a pajama morning with breakfast and cartoons (Jake and the Neverland Pirates is Addie's newest obsession) Then we got ready and visited the library. As you can see Addie got a little book happy. After our library visit, we went for a window shopping walk downtown and went to visit Kyle at the office. He treated us to lunch and with our bellies full, we went home for naps.
Addie's book selections from the library.
Addie and Beckham chilling out on the sofa watching Tom and Jerry right before he left. Is it just me or does it look like they are on a date???
On Friday, Addie went to LiLi and Poppa's house for some fun time with them. Poppa bought a DVD collection of Tom and Jerry. He now has Addie's heart FOREVER! They watched about 2 hours of the cat and mouse that day. As for me and Drew, we went to Spring Hill to get pics made for his panel. This was the first photo session that he was not his usual smiling self. After the photo shoot, we stopped by Frankiln and had lunch with this handsome little boy and his mommy...
Drew loves Hayden's toys. Being the bad mommy, I do not supply toys at lunch like I should. Drew just snatched up Hayden's giraffe like it had been done to him... a lot.
On Sunday, we had great weather although a little windy to play outside in the sunshine.
How could you not love him?
But more often than not children surpise you!
Friday, April 1, 2011
In like a lion out like a lamb...
Just a little overview of the month of March...
What a great month it was!
What a great month it was!
We now have a computer nerd in our house by the name of Addie. She loves to play on the website Starfall. As a kindergarten teacher, I highly recommend this FREE website.
Just a little doodle by Addie Reese.
This is her shark.
I am not one to understand art at all but it looks more like a ghost to me.
At the top is her name.
March was the month of missed days for this working momma. I hardly EVER miss a school day but this month I had to stay home three days due to Drew being sick and Granny Franny not being able to keep him one day. I was scrambling around trying to find someone to keep my baby boy but finally I gave up and added this little darling for a day.
Miss Kate has to be the sweetest little girl around...
possible girlfriend material for my little man.
What woman would not like this man?
He likes to vacuum.
And if Miss Kate is not the sweetest girl on the face of the Earth, her momma and my friend Shelley is. As a treat, she planned a girls day at a spa for our toes to get ready for Spring! It was a great day of pampering, talking... with zero interruptions... laughing, a fabulous lunch in Downtown Franklin.
This month has been fun getting to enjoy the outside weather. We have been enjoying are picnic table and dining at lot al fresco. It is just amazing how moving the meal outside makes the dining experience with children so much more enjoyable.
And to finish this post I will end with an Addie story.
When I was cutting a pineapple this week, Addie was very curious about feeling and smelling it (notice I did not say eating it). So I put her on the counter, she felt the outside and rubbed her hand up and down the side. She put her nose to the outside and took a deep breath in. I asked if she wanted to see the inside and she said yes. As she watched me cut the top off she exclaimed, " I didn't know you were going to kill it!" I looked at her and we both started to laugh because she was referring to a scene in the movie, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, when they are carving the pumpkin. The things kids remember....
Till next time friends.
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